Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Kindred

I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up to this sitting in my inbox this morning

I have read some of your writing at :: and this morning...once again, out of the blue I was lead to follow the patchwork quilt dots! One point about your writing that I believe makes it worth reading is the the fact that you deal with our "very human" issues so delicately ... but clearly. You seek ... you ask.... you observe... I truly appreciate that I was drawn to you this morning and that your words - thoughts - deeds - bring all humanity in touch (tune) with one another. Love without action is just intent.

Thank you so much - you have a gift, I can't wait to see where you go with it! Together we are opening doors and changing the future through our collective collaborative spirit.

- by DeZengo
I find it ironic that I get this today because I was just telling Adi how I've struggling with my writing for the past few days. I find it such a blessing to get this today because it soothes the struggle and cushions the tension.

Thank you kindred heart! <3

1 comment:

adi mari said...

wow! how warm and fuzzy. :)

the person is right about how you write. delicate, but clear; seeking, asking, observing. how wonderful what he/she said, "[you] bring all humanity in tune with one another".

oh, the places you'll go! :) struggle means we have moved forward.