Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Skyway Epiphanies of a Reluctant Motorist

I go up the Metro Manila Skyway everyday to and from work. I have to bear the ever rising toll prices of this route because the traffic below going towards the South is stressfully unbearable. I have never really quite learned how to bear horrible traffic like most motorists do. But who does?

One thing I've learned how to do while driving is take phone camera pictures. Most of the time I get drawn to a nice sunset or the mysterious glow of a full moon. Since the skyway stretches a length of 10 kilometers, there is a long expanse of road that allows my mind to wander off and unwind from the strenuous knots that tie up in my brain after a long day's work.

The other day I saw the sky with a glorious red violet hue. Slightly dark patches of gray clouds feathered the light coming from the setting sun. The ramp leading up to skyway felt like an entrance to a majestic mansion that eagerly welcomed my homebound ride. Quite a liberating view after seeing tall concrete buildings enclose my day like bars of a huge cage.

Brief moments such as this become breathing spaces for day worker like me hobbling hour after hour to fulfill the necessities of survival and daily living. I suppose it's a quiet miracle when I keep my eyes open to witness moments greeting me like this.


adi mari said...

"The ramp leading up to skyway felt like an entrance to a majestic mansion that eagerly welcomed my homebound ride"

- my favorite part of the skyway. that, and the highest part of it when there are barely any cars.

-adi (right now i cant remember my password omg haha)

adi mari said...

oh ignore that last part, i remembered na and forgot to take it out hahahah

katherina said...

yeah. isn't it? remember the time when some praise song was playing while we were going up? :)