Friday, October 17, 2008

The Subprime Earthquake Forum

I attended this forum at the Asian Institute of Management today on the current financial crisis that's been happening as of late.

Pardon my ignorance but honestly, I haven't been keeping track. It's probably a mortal sin because I am paid to keep track of these things to rationalize the direction of the company but I haven't. I haven't because I probably am simply just not interested in it. But I went to this free forum today since it was a way out of the office and I thought maybe it would be good to expand my mind a little bit and let it dwell on other things.

Being back at the AIM for a full length forum reminded me of all the case room discussions I've had during the 2 years I stayed in there. I used to call it the boot camp. The place that wracked my brain to the core. It was amazing that I never really suffered any serious migraines while I was in there compared to how I've been getting them now at work.

What struck me during this forum was the first question raised to the panelists. "What can an ordinary Filipino citizen do in times like these?", a bald headed man asked. It was the kind of question I'd listen to as opposed to the general strategic economic mind boggling scenarios they were trying to solve and comprehend.

Professor Macaranas answered the question and I also got struck with the answer. He replied, "Keep informed."

The impact of a financial crisis, I began to realize is actually really significant. Companies find it difficult to earn and thus need to cut down costs and even cut down on people. Leaving people jobless. Leaving services not rendered. Leaving needs unmet. Leaving people unsatisfied. Leaving lives helpless. And the cycle continues.

It becomes quite a scenario if nobody can control nor arrest the gravity of the crisis. What happens next? What can an ordinary Filipino citizen do?

It's appalling that even the most educated economists find no immediate solution for something like this. And it's even bewildering that in its impossibility, not many of these great intelligent economists do not recommend God as an answer.

Of course this mindset is only for the spiritual. But what else is there to address the infinite cycle of problems that is caused by man than to look for sense in the Creator of the Infinite?

Just trying to stretch my mind here as I try to unwind after a long and tiring work week. It wasn't so bad. This "earthquake" shaking the corners of the little office space I huddle myself in day in a day out has opened. Soon allowing me to walk free.

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